Paddle For The Planet

Paddle For The Planet

Digger does his part for
Paddle For The Planet

This past Sunday (June 5th, 2011), thousands of paddlers in over 50 countries around the world participated in a global environmental awareness campaign for our oceans and waterways. Originating in Dubai, the idea was to bring paddlers together in a relay style world wide paddle – all over the planet – called “Paddle For The Planet“.

When Dez, from Blast Paddlers, brought this great cause to our attention on Facebook (just days before it was all scheduled to take place), and asked us to host an event for Paddle For The Planet, we were very keen to participate. After all, one of the main reasons we offer a Badger Paddle Sock with every paddle* is to omit the use of plastic in our shipping process by replacing plastic bags with our re-usable fabric socks. So, with just days left before the big day arrived, we invited anyone who wished to join us at Buck Lake Beach to help raise awareness for the plight of our oceans and to Paddle For The Planet.

By the time Fiona remembered to get out the
camera, we were all on our way!

The day turned out to be beautiful in Muskoka. We (Mike, Fiona and Makobe) arrived at the beach early so pimped up our canoe with our Paddle For The Planet signs and put on our Team Fat Paddler T-shirts while we waited. As it turns out, not too many people were able to attend as they had already made other plans but all were interested in the idea when we spoke to them, some neighbours stopping in on their way to what ever business they had in town and beyond. Not to paddle, but to to show their support.  However there were a few more paddlers on the beach bringing an array of watercraft. By the time the excitement had died down, (unfortunately I had forgotten to get the camera out), Mike and Makobe were ready to get out on the water and do some paddling

We paddled around the lake until stopping at an island for Makobe to swim (or do the “dog paddle” for the planet). While Makobe was busy enjoying the cool waters of Buck Lake, Mike and I took some time to enjoy the beauty of it all. The strong breeze kept the bugs at bay and the sun, while strong, gave us a good amount of relief by hiding behind the clouds just before it became unbearable.

Wait… yep… there’s a paddler!
Once on the island, Fiona remembered
to finally dig the camera out and get some photos!

A few hours later we were back home, but not before we raised awareness with a few fisherman and some lucky paddlers and supporters got to take home some free Badger SWAG and coupon books from Algonquin Outfitters (with over $900 in savings!). All in all, considering it was very last minute, Paddle For The Planet was a success in our little part of the world! Next year will be even better, though!!!

*51 inches in length and above.

  • Anonymous
    Posted at 22:51h, 06 June

    Sounds like a great day out on the water !!
    PS – I love your logo !!
    Mike (TFP Sydney)

  • Anonymous
    Posted at 23:02h, 06 June

    …and on top of that I just read that each paddle has that badger paw logo I love painted singly by hand !! Wow – that's some patient and gorgeous craftsmanship 🙂


  • Dez Blanchfield
    Posted at 00:06h, 07 June

    WOW! This is just awesome, wow wow wow, talk about blow me away with your amazing support and efforts !!

    Seriously, I love you guys, gals, and kids – you rock, even if you do all wear Fat Paddler tee shirts hee hee.. ( gunna have to get you some Blast tees now I guess )..

    Badger's rock – no doubt about it 😉

    Surely now your new 2011 "marketing" slogan has to be:

    Badger, we make Paddles For The Planet !!

    Love light and peace from Dez in sunny old Sydney, Australia !!


    Dez Blanchfield
    Blast Paddlers

  • Fat Paddler
    Posted at 00:59h, 07 June

    Hahahaha, great tshirts guys! Love it! 😉

    Btw I paddled the canoe 35km for Paddle for the Planet with Gelo – and both of us used Badger Paddles for the trip. 🙂

    Cheers! FP

  • Badger Canoe Paddles
    Posted at 23:46h, 07 June

    Thanks Mike! We also do fire-branding with our logo now too but I still paint them as well. And Dez… thanks for bringing this whole event to our attention. BTW, we would love to get some Blast Tee's from 'ya! I'm also thinking that a Digger for you and one for FP (Sean) would be just the thing too…. gotta make that happen somehow… somewhere… someway!