Trees Planted To Date

Total Current Number of Trees Planted This Year:


2024 GOAL: 1000 TREES

 Total Number Of Trees Planted To Date

Total Number of Seedlings Planted to Date: 


There are a multitude of reasons for planting trees, but it must be done right. Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. Forests also provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines. Discover more about the importance of reforestation and the six pillars that explain why trees are vital at OneTreePlanted.

Mini Tree Certificate Details

Example of mini-certificate for Anniversary Issue Badger Canoe Paddles - 1 paddle plants 1 tree
Example of mini-certificate for FOREST EDITION Anniversary Issue Badger Canoe Paddles - 1 paddle plants 5 trees
Dig this: Every Badger Anniversary Issue canoe paddle includes a mini Tree Certificate with a handwritten number that coincides with the OneTreePlanted (OTP) certificates shown below. The mini format details the official OTP certificate number and where your tree is in the count for that particular tree planting initiative (as shown in the example images above). This way, you can cross reference your certificate number for the sake of interest and transparency!
Badger purchases seedlings for various OneTreePlanted initiatives throughout the year.

See all the places where we have planted seedlings, so far, and counting…

 Seedling Details


100 seedlings were planted in coordination with TreeEra. This was done in recognition of our 10 Year Anniversary whereby 10 Special Edition canoe paddles were created and 10 trees were planted for each of the limited issue paddles we built and sold for our celebratory year.


OTP Certificate #263141

50 seedlings to be planted in British Columbia were purchased pre-season in February 2022 from One Tree Planted to initiate our commitment to the Forest Edition Canoe Paddles by Badger campaign.


Summer & Fall 2022
OTP Certificates #293863, #314158

A total of 34 seedlings were purchased from One Tree Planted helping to plant seedlings in Ontario, Quebec, and where “they’re needed most” around the world.


Winter 2023
OTP Certificates #359125, #359287

Thanks to some late sales in 2022 and a few more in early 2023, 50 more seedlings were purchased from One Tree Planted: 18 seedlings for Ontario, 18 for Quebec, and 14 more for where “where they’re needed most” in the United States. Along with, 8 more seedlings that were purchased for the United Kingdom!


OTP Certificates #361249, #374983

18 seedlings were purchased in March to be planted where they were “needed most” in the U.S.A specifically for OTP Longleaf Pine Restoration project. And thanks to a few extra sales from the U.K. in April, 3 more seedlings were purchased and planted in the United Kingdom.


OTP Certificate #390558, #399684

14 seedlings were purchased in early July, as part of the One Tree Planted Forest Fire Recovery project, helping to reforest lands damaged by record-setting fires in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and more. Then in August another 18 seedlings were purchased and planted in Alberta, Canada.


OTP Certificate #440175, #440177

50 seedlings were purchased just before Canoecopia for Badger‘s first official batch of ANNIVERSARY ISSUE canoe paddles, and as part of the One Tree Planted new United States Recovery project to help reforest lands damaged by forest fire recovery in the west, along with longleaf pine restoration in the southeast, and National Forest restoration from coast to coast. At the same time, and as part of our Forest Edition series, another 60 seedlings were purchased to be planted “where they’re needed most” to help revitalize forests in Ontario, Canada.


OTP Certificate #443459, #446521, #448322

33 seedlings were purchased in March to be planted in Europe in coordination with a paddle order from Manchester Canoes in the U.K.. Then, in early April, another 18 trees were planted in the U.S.A. with another 70 more seedlings to be planted “where they’re needed most”.


OTP Certificate #450835, #450839, #454214, #456714, #456715

Near the end of April, 61 more seedlings were purchased to be planted in the U.S.A. plus 115 seedlings were purchased to be planted in Ontario. In early May, 250 more seedlings were purchased and planted for purpose of forest fire recovery. Then once more again in May, another batch of 250 more trees were planted for forest fire recovery with an additional 100 seedlings purchased for various reforestation projects in Ontario.


“We depend on the forest and the forest depends on us.”

~Nito Uvenibo


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