12 Apr Badger Paddles’ Tip of the Week – Mike’s 3 Toilet Paper Rules
Badger Paddles’ Tip of the Week includes information on paddling, camping, portaging, boat transport, and maintenance tips, as well as any other information that we may find to be useful around our sett.
As promised to Mike, this week’s tip is about toilet paper and how to pack it. Toilet paper, while not a usual comfortable subject of conversation, is an obvious necessity for any trip into the bush (unless you prefer leaves and birchbark). Mike has 3 rules about how to pack his toilet paper for trips which he wanted to share…
Mike’s #3 rule is you gotta keep it dry. His (along with many other travellers) solution is a zip-able plastic storage bag. But the rolls (especially the nice plush stuff) can sometimes be a bit big for the medium sized bags.
Which brings us to Mike’s #2 rule: Try to set aside a few rolls in the weeks before your trip that have had some paper removed during regular household use. That way, you aren’t trying to stuff a big double roll into the bag, but are left with a smaller, more condensed roll instead. Mike also believes in leaving the cardboard tube (usually found inside). You can always squish it down when packing to further condense the size of the roll but don’t take out the cardboard tube. Without the tube, it can become a bit more difficult to remove the paper from the “roll” at your campsite – which can cause some real frustration when the mosquitoes and black flies are out! Besides, the tube can always be brought back to shape (for hanging convenience) and is a great fire* starter too when the roll is done. Plus the empty zip-able storage bag can be re-used to pack out garbage (that cannot be burned) or other unmentionables, as well as things like expired batteries from the flashlight.
And finally Mike’s #1 rule is to remember to leave one roll in an easily accessible pocket or at the top of your pack (with a few extra ziplock baggies) while travelling, portaging, etc. Just like your first aid kit – you may need it in an emergency!
Plus every one at Badger recommends you try to look for environmentally friendly toilet paper to take into the bush – especially if you don’t have to pack it out with you when you leave.
*check with the regional municipality or local park staff to inquire about fire regulations and seasonal fire bans which can occur at any time. At the very least, the cardboard can be useful in the case of a needed emergency fire.
Do you have any tips to share? Send us your tips and paddling advice – and if your tip is featured here – we will send you a free Badger Paddles sticker!!! All you have to do is email us your suggestions.
Joey R.
Posted at 13:12h, 12 Aprilfunny how you don't think of the little things sometimes like using some of the roll up before you pack it-i was always stuffin theose those big rolls into my bags and leaving them open until they fit or stuff the extra paper in-it was always a mess
it's all about planning better